Emotional Healing/Trauma 1:1 Sessions
2 hour session £90 (saving of £10)
1 month booked in whole £180 (saving of £20)
Whenever we are not too sure who we are, or what we want, we at times create unnecessary drama in our lives which create more drama and more emotion where this leads to past issues, which have never been fully resolved or released.
What I look at for you, is how we can look deeper inside you to release the positive elements of your character and release the past to which no longer serves you any purpose.
We will look at:
Why the patterns are occurring
What your thoughts are saying to you on a daily basis
What your beliefs about yourself are and where they have come from
What drama are you creating that repeats the same patterns
What are you putting up with that no longer serves you purpose
Who is in your life that may be creating more upset and drama
What are you fearful of and why?
Who are you blaming for your anger, upset and drama in your life
Are you constantly needing attention be it on social media, out with friends or I every part of your life
Are you finding you are never feeling whole and complete
Is something inside you constantly lacking and your mind is never calm.
If you can honestly answer yes to all of these, then you have never quite overcome the past and may be subconsciously bringing this into your present without realising this.
What I will look at is your inner thoughts on a daily basis
What is blocking you or who is blocking you
What you are stuck in a pattern about
What you believe is true, in your own mind hence the blocks
What your fears are
Why you keep on doing the same things
How to move you forwards and these thoughts and beliefs will eventually disappear for good.
This can take (hopefully) just one session but may take up to a few just to potentially see what else needs to be released and once it is, you will be on a new journey to a new road of recovery!
If you are interested just email me on jo@askthepsychic.co.uk or text or call me on 0792 000 4357